tisdag, juli 20, 2004

I wish I wasn't an American

I am pretty ashamed to be an American these days or any day in fact. National pride is a joke. Our policies ,manifest destiny and the Monroe Doctrine to name a few, have led us down a dark and disturbing path. We crush the people's will of foreign countries in the name of money and greed. Panama, Iraq, Columbia, Cuba, Angola, Iran, Lebanon, Brazil, Vietnam, the Philippines, on and on the list goes of countries we have fucked. Royally fucked. None of our Presidents have shown any interest in withdrawing from our quest for world domination. Not Clinton, not JFK. No Republican or Democrat. No one. We are a soul's, evil nation. Overjoyed in our gluttony and greed. What we need is a revolution and a new path.


At 9:38 em, Blogger riodayna said...

I suppose I would just like to say that I appreciate your blog.It's always nice to read some familiar thoughts, (and your music list and movie list was alright too, but there's no way in hell i'm seeing I,Robot.Poor Asimov must turning in his grave..)makes things seem a little less hopeless. peace.


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