onsdag, juli 07, 2004

Umm... Hello, shouldn't we have been guarding it...

So, I was going through news articles, when one kind of knocked me off my seat. The headline, "U.S. Quietly Sneaks Once-Looted Uranium Out of Iraq," seemed a little shady. I mean come on "quietly sneaks." As I read the article, it became a little more appalling. Apparently, after the first Gulf War, the Iraqis were ordered to dismantle their nuclear program including the Tuwaitha nuclear complex, which had served as the center of their nuclear program. But of nuclear materials remained there, under the seal of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency, until the second Gulf War, when it was left unguarded by the U.S.-led invading forces and looted by Iraqi civilians.

I blinked, that was absurd. Lets leave the material that could be used to make, if not actual nuclear weapons, "dirty" bombs. Ever heard of a clean or tidy bomb?

They left unguarded 1.8 tons of uranium!

Once this startling lapse of anything remotely close to intelligence, our brilliant leaders decide maybe its a good idea to do something about it. And so they removed the uranium to an undisclosed location minus 90 lbs. Hmm... I wonder who has it, so called terrorists or ,more probably, local youngsters.

What's the next step to fucking up an invasion of "freedom"?