söndag, september 05, 2004

Liberal, are you kidding me?

I get more and more annoyede when anyone mentions the liberal media and is refering to cnn or msnbc. What a myth. They are just as bad as Fox, and they have slowly become more and more rightist. Its such a great tactic though. Critisize a already right leaning news media outlet as liberal (which has slowly become a dirty word in the US), which of course makes the far far right media outlets seem almost centrist. Its sad. No major media outlet wants to criticise Bush at all, in fear of outrage from the ever increasingly vocal right. Instead they avoid the most pertinent and scary issues facing not only the fate of the US but that of all life on this planet. No, I really am not being dramatic. Just because the issues aren't talked about doesn't mean they don't exist. Here's a link to some examples of what I'm talking about. These issues are so relevant to our upcoming election, but the media refuses to give any time to them. Its sad.