onsdag, oktober 26, 2005

Smoking and Berkeley

I am becoming more upset and disturbed by the continuing criminalization of smoking (yes, cigarette smoking) throughout the Bay Area. Earlier this year San Francisco made it illegal to smoke in any of their public parks. Now, I am a conscientious smoker. I don't sit down by a bunch of people and light up a cigarette, that would be rude, but I also don't move if someone sits down next to me while I am smoking. That only makes sense to me, if you don't like my second hand smoke, then don't sit next to me. Besides just the second hand smoke issue, one reason for not permitting smoking in parks was that there a cigarette butts everywhere on the ground. I never throw away my butts on the ground. So, why am I punished, and there are already applicable littering laws to discourage just that, littering. Absurdity.

But the wonderful city of Berkeley wants to take it even further. They want to ban smoking in "structures housing multiple residents" (why not just call them apartment buildings bitches!). Now this is absurd. They want to make it so your neighbors can call the police about your smoking and have you cited. Bastards! All of them are bastards!


At 8:48 em, Blogger floatingwild said...

after posting this- i will go outside and smoke a cigarette. i will put my ciggie butt in the ashtray i have outside. i will come inside and wash my hands so that i will not offend anyone with my nicotine stench.~(:


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