tisdag, februari 01, 2005


So, my precious if not rambunctious kitty, Pandora, has a sometimes annoying sometime adorable new habit. That of taking her little cat naps on my pillow. I don't particularly mind. Usually I just use one of those sticky lint brushes to get all of her hair off the pillow. (She sheds an awful lot) Last night however, I was mighty surprised to be woken up by her tail smacking against my head. It seems that not only does she want to sleep here during the day when I'm not using it, but she also wants to sleep there when I'm sleeping. Now, most people might not find this surprising, but if you knew how excitable and even a little violent Pandora used to be you would be. See, Pan, as I like to call her, used to be quite ferocious when anyone would try to play with her. Well, even if they weren't trying to play with her she would also be pretty ferocious. Recently, I'd say over the past year or more, she has calmed down significantly. So, when once I would have to sleep with either the bedroom door shut or cover my head with the blanket to prevent any unwanted nighttime attacks, now she can sleep right next to my head and not be the least bit bothersome. Oh, maybe a little, but only because she has one of the loudest purrs I've ever known. Let's just say that I love my little darling, especially now that she has become such a sweet little darling.