onsdag, mars 16, 2005

Get off the Internet

So, my baby was sick today, and I had to drive myself to work. As I related before, the last time I drove to work I received a ticket for not stopping at a stop sign. Oops! Today, as I was running late, I was pulled over for going 41 in a 30 mph zone. Just my luck. I've decided not to drive to work ever again. (I'll just take bart or bus, if my baby is sick) Well, the officer didn't actually give me a speeding ticket, what a nice guy, but he did give me a ticket for not having proof of insurance. (yay, it is just a fix-it ticket, even though he did make me late to work, grrrr)

Now, when I finally got on to the highway I glance over at this suv, and I had to make a double take. Yes, I was right there playing on the suv's video screen? Hardcore anal action (the yucky straight kind, shiver). It surprised me so much I almost hit the car in front of me. Ok, so no, this didn't actually happen. I was just reading an article on sfgate.com about how some lawmakers wanted to make it illegal to watch x-rated movies in your car when others can see it. So, it made me think. Who watches porn while driving? And who would let their passengers watch porn as they drive? I know I have trouble driving with just one hand, and who wants their passengers to have their cocks out?


At 8:07 em, Blogger Busty Wilde said...

Duh, who wouldn't want their passengers' cocks out?

At 5:22 em, Blogger Busty Wilde said...

Oh yeah...and at least you weren't like smoking pot or anything when the cop pulled you over...

At 1:42 em, Blogger Pannyxeos said...

I think you mean good thing I was smoking a cigarette since I had just taken a couple of hits. = )


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