torsdag, maj 12, 2005

Back at work

So, once more (with feeling) I got home late, got really high, and then totally became too lethargic to turn on my computer and post anything. Oh well, so here I am at work, alphabetizing. Oh, what joy. It is finals time at UCB, and that means I no longer have any student workers or volunteers. Which leaves all the grunt work for me, ugh. I really hate to file and alphabetize. Tedious work. But at least I get to laugh at some pretty amusing names. Today the best have been a guy with the first name of Cocaine (I am 100% serious here), J. Shoffeit (Shove it), and Coco Kee.

Sigh.... Today is going remarkably slow. It is not even 11 yet, and I'm already bored enough to blog.
