lördag, maj 14, 2005

Music Overload

So, I've decided to rip all of my cds to my computer finally. See, I've been planning on doing this for, well, for years actually. Over the past two days I've gone through about half of my collection and now I have 243 hours of music on my computer. I love the selection. I guess that makes sense since they are mine. Oh, and the best thing, I found a whole host of cds that were MIA. The joy.

In addition to my cd mission, I've been steadily crossing things of my cleaning list. Come to think of it, a lot of my to do lists have been getting mighty short over the past week. The cherry on top has to be that I was completely stoned the entire week as well.

We got the third Blade movie too. Which might not sound too exciting, but it has Parker Posey in it, adding to my collection. I still need to get Personal Velocity, Clockwatchers, Henry Fool, and The Misadventures of Margaret.


At 5:12 em, Blogger SS said...

i did this same thing a couple years ago with the addition of also burning copies of all my music. i then sold all my originals (except for my absolute favorites) to some online used music cd site. i think i sent them something like 75-100 cds and i made over $200. wasn't a bad deal, and i got rid of a lot of clutter.

At 8:48 fm, Blogger Pannyxeos said...

Actually, there was a time about two years ago when I was unbelievably broke, and I kind of did the same thing. Only I sold back the cds where I could still find the case and cd insert whether they were my absolute favorite or not.

At 9:18 em, Blogger Ian Gutierrez said...

its tedious, i know...but worthy!!!
grea idea to selll everything....

i´m on it!

At 1:25 fm, Blogger Pannyxeos said...

Mike - it was very tedious, but more than worth it. Now I can make my own mix cds and finally put all my cds away in storage that I haven't sold.

ian-ivy - it was frosting on the magic brownie


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