tisdag, augusti 31, 2004

Please actually read

If you can't actually get your hands on this song by Ani, then at least read the song lyrics. Its another call to arms against the disastrous Bush administration. If only the rest of America could just realize how inherently evil everything they do is. Domestically and Internationally. Economically and Socially. This country of ours seems to want to run faster and faster to our eventual explosive suicide.

Ani Difranco's "Self Evident"

self evident

(inspired by the WTC disaster)

us people are just poems
we're 90% metaphor
with a leanness of meaning
approaching hyper-distillation
and once upon a time
we were moonshine
rushing down the throat of a giraffe
yes, rushing down the long hallway
despite what the p.a. announcement says
yes, rushing down the long stairs
with the whiskey of eternity
fermented and distilled
to eighteen minutes
burning down our throats
down the hall
down the stairs
in a building so tall
that it will always be there
yes, it's part of a pair
there on the bow of noah's ark
the most prestigious couple
just kickin back parked
against a perfectly blue sky
on a morning beatific
in its indian summer breeze
on the day that america
fell to its knees
after strutting around for a century
without saying thank you
or please

and the shock was subsonic
and the smoke was deafening
between the setup and the punch line
cuz we were all on time for work that day
we all boarded that plane for to fly
and then while the fires were raging
we all climbed up on the windowsill
and then we all held hands
and jumped into the sky

and every borough looked up when it heard the first blast
and then every dumb action movie was summarily surpassed
and the exodus uptown by foot and motorcar
looked more like war than anything i've seen so far
so far
so far
so fierce and ingenious
a poetic specter so far gone
that every jackass newscaster was struck dumb and stumbling
over 'oh my god' and 'this is unbelievable' and on and on
and i'll tell you what, while we're at it
you can keep the pentagon
keep the propaganda
keep each and every tv
that's been trying to convince me
to participate
in some prep school punk's plan to perpetuate retribution
perpetuate retribution
even as the blue toxic smoke of our lesson in retribution
is still hanging in the air
and there's ash on our shoes
and there's ash in our hair
and there's a fine silt on every mantle
from hell's kitchen to brooklyn
and the streets are full of stories
sudden twists and near misses
and soon every open bar is crammed to the rafters
with tales of narrowly averted disasters
and the whiskey is flowin
like never before
as all over the country
folks just shake their heads
and pour

so here's a toast to all the folks who live in palestine

el salvador

here's a toast to the folks living on the pine ridge reservation
under the stone cold gaze of mt. rushmore

here's a toast to all those nurses and doctors
who daily provide women with a choice
who stand down a threat the size of oklahoma city
just to listen to a young woman's voice

here's a toast to all the folks on death row right now
awaiting the executioner's guillotine
who are shackled there with dread and can only escape into their heads
to find peace in the form of a dream

cuz take away our playstations
and we are a third world nation
under the thumb of some blue blood royal son
who stole the oval office and that phony election
i mean
it don't take a weatherman
to look around and see the weather
jeb said he'd deliver florida, folks
and boy did he ever

and we hold these truths to be self evident:
#1 george w. bush is not president
#2 america is not a true democracy
#3 the media is not fooling me
cuz i am a poem heeding hyper-distillation
i've got no room for a lie so verbose
i'm looking out over my whole human family
and i'm raising my glass in a toast

here's to our last drink of fossil fuels
let us vow to get off of this sauce
shoo away the swarms of commuter planes
and find that train ticket we lost
cuz once upon a time the line followed the river
and peeked into all the backyards
and the laundry was waving
the graffiti was teasing us
from brick walls and bridges
we were rolling over ridges
through valleys
under stars
i dream of touring like duke ellington
in my own railroad car
i dream of waiting on the tall blonde wooden benches
in a grand station aglow with grace
and then standing out on the platform
and feeling the air on my face

give back the night its distant whistle
give the darkness back its soul
give the big oil companies the finger finally
and relearn how to rock-n-roll
yes, the lessons are all around us and a change is waiting there
so it's time to pick through the rubble, clean the streets
and clear the air
get our government to pull its big dick out of the sand
of someone else's desert
put it back in its pants
and quit the hypocritical chants of
freedom forever

cuz when one lone phone rang
in two thousand and one
at ten after nine
on nine one one
which is the number we all called
when that lone phone rang right off the wall
right off our desk and down the long hall
down the long stairs
in a building so tall
that the whole world turned
just to watch it fall

and while we're at it
remember the first time around?
the bomb?
the ryder truck?
the parking garage?
the princess that didn't even feel the pea?
remember joking around in our apartment on avenue D?

can you imagine how many paper coffee cups would have to change their design
following a fantastical reversal of the new york skyline?!

it was a joke, of course
it was a joke
at the time
and that was just a few years ago
so let the record show
that the FBI was all over that case
that the plot was obvious and in everybody's face
and scoping that scene
the CIA
or is it KGB?
committing countless crimes against humanity
with this kind of eventuality
as its excuse
for abuse after expensive abuse
and it didn't have a clue
look, another window to see through
way up here
on the 104th floor
another key
another door
10% literal
90% metaphor
3000 some poems disguised as people
on an almost too perfect day
should be more than pawns
in some asshole's passion play
so now it's your job
and it's my job
to make it that way
to make sure they didn't die in vain
baby listen
hear the train?

måndag, augusti 30, 2004

Weekend of change

This weekend saw some pretty significant changes in my life, although I did fairly little. It was a relaxing weekend for sure, even though I helped out my roommate in her move to distant Davis, why yes that was a bit of sarcasm there. It's nice to now have the apartment between me and my boy. It seems strange to me that it doesn't field weird that she has moved. I have been living within a mile of her for the past seven years. In my voyage through Berkeley, she was always there, whether for good or not.

What else happened this weekend?

My father got married. Yes after seven months have since the end of my parents 29 year marriage, my father has remarried. Not entirely sure how I feel about it. Just think he is being an ass in how he is approaching me and my sister's. Hmm... It is nice to vent I suppose.

fredag, augusti 27, 2004

Kick him out, no I'm not talking about Bush this time

This time I'm talking about Donald Rumsfeld, our fucked up Secretary of Defense. At least I'm not the only one too agree. Here's another newspaper agreeing with my sentiments. I honestly can't understand how the current administration can look at themselves in the mirror and think they are descent human beings. Its sad. Very sad.

67 days and counting

67 days until the election. The closer it gets to the Republican National Convention, the more I feel horrible that I couldn't make it to NYC. I really don't know what to expect, but I hope that the demonstrators apply the principals of peaceful disobedience. All this approval for demonstrations seems to be antithetical to the purpose of the demonstration itself.

onsdag, augusti 25, 2004

Damn men

I was reading this article, and it made me wonder about American men. I would think they would be at least as bad as French men.

I don't know though. Hmmm...

Way to go Swedes. Sort of at least.

Rumsfeld must go

Why Donald Rumsfeld still has his job is beyond me.

The Secretary of Defense wasn't alert to the threat posed by Al Qaeda in the summer of 2001.

Then, like the man who loses his keys in a dark alley but looks for them under the lamppost because there's more light there, Rumsfeld immediately wanted to bomb Iraq because he said there weren't enough targets in Afghanistan.

He repeatedly undercut the diplomacy of Colin Powell.

He grossly underestimated the number of troops needed for the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

And he shares responsibility for the Abu Ghraib torture scandal, according to the new Schlesinger report.

"The abuses were not just the failure of some individuals to follow known standards, and they are more than the failure of a few leaders to enforce proper discipline," the report notes. "There is both institutional and personal responsibility at higher levels"--including Rumsfeld's level.

One member of the commission, Tillie Fowler, said, "We found a string of failures that go well beyond an isolated cellblock in Iraq. We found fundamental failures throughout all levels of command. . . . These failures of leadership helped set the conditions which allowed for the abusive practice to take place."

One of those failures, according to the report, was Rumsfeld's "decisions beginning on December 2, 2002, to authorize for use at Guantánamo16 additional interrogation procedures more aggressive" than the standard military methods. These procedures included the use of dogs, the stripping of detainees, and making detainees sit or stand in painful positions for long periods of time. "The augmented techniques for Guantánamo migrated to Afghanistan and Iraq, where they were neither limited nor safeguarded."

The verb "migrated" is unfortunate. It implies something natural or instinctive that birds do. But some human beings made the decisions to engage in these abusive practices, and higher ups let such practices go on.

Another unfortunate word choice in the report was the "purposeless sadism" at Abu Ghraib.

What, pray tell, would "purposeful sadism" be?

The torture scandal goes beyond Rumsfeld and the Pentagon.

It reaches into the CIA, whose officers were allegedly involved in the torture. The commission did not receive "full access to information involving the role of the Central Intelligence Agency," the report notes.

The torture scandal reaches into the Justice Department, where the Attorney General and his deputies justified the use of torture by splitting hairs about what the actual definition of torture is, and by stating that torture is OK, anyway, if it is "pursuant" to the President's authority as commander in chief.

And the scandal reaches into the White House. Bush's legal counsel, Alberto Gonzales, referred to the Geneva Conventions as "quaint" and "antiquated."

So, yes, Rumsfeld has got to go.

But other high officials need to be held accountable, too.

-- Matthew Rothschild

Now that's a party

I was reading this article about V2004, which is a big concert festival in jolly ole England, and I was thinking how much fun it must of been considering how many drugs were confiscated. "Altogether, 495 ecstasy tablets were seized at the festival, along with 26 of LSD, 21.7 grammes of cocaine, 14.4 grammes of amphetamine, and 966 grammes of cannabis." Now doesn't that sound like some party, just consider how much they must have missed in their searches. mmmmm Tasty.

They're quite large people

This is a great news article about a gang of fat female thieves in South Africa. Can't you just imagine it, I sure as hell would have given them anything they wanted. Oh, the humanity. Click here for the list.

söndag, augusti 22, 2004

Sports news, what?!?

Ok, so normally I wouldn't be reading anything on a sports website. Let alone ESPN. For some reason or other though I did read this one article, which actually made me think.

We really have become a gigantic corporate nation reveling in our evil greed.

fredag, augusti 20, 2004

ismokebud, billym420, ganjabud

What are the names of three of my opponents in one of my poker tourneys?

Man, poker stoners unite!

måndag, augusti 16, 2004

I don't understand

I just noticed that one of my polaroids made it on to my blog. I was actually trying to have that be my profile picture, but I couldn't figure out how to do it. I figured that I just fucked everything up and nothing would happen. But no, there it is, as a post. Strange. Whatever though, the picture was taken by my bf. Thats me in the photo out in the hills surrounding Lompoc, CA. For all of you not familiar with Lompoc. Its located on California's beautiful and foggy central coast. Known for its murals, flower seeds, prisons, and its proximity to Vandenberg Air Force Base. On a side note, VAFB's main purpose is the testing of the US missle defense plan (grrr...). In other words it fires rockets and missles to the Kwajalein Atoll way out in the Marshall Islands. Anywho, I like the pic a lot so there it is.


You would think that since I am currently unemployed(It will be for two weeks this Wednesday), I would be blogging quite a bit more than I have been recently. Maybe its because I've been trying to stay away from the computer as much as possible. Other from the poker playing. Which I've slowly become addicted to whether my boyfriend likes it or not. I've also been avoiding the news. This blog started to become a rather scathing critique of the Bush presidency. (Is that an understatement, I rather think it is) Well, I realized my attitude was becoming quite negative. I decided I needed to focus on the positive. Which means I don't think that much, since there are few positives in our time to believe in. (there I go again, Grrrr...) Anyways, I wanted to comment of some uplifting news reports/articles, but, alas, I have yet to find any

lördag, augusti 14, 2004

Out and About Posted by Hello

fredag, augusti 13, 2004

Kwajalein in the News

While this article is slightly disturbing considering the escalation of drug use in theMarshall Islnds, I was slightly amused (which is probably more disturbing). But the idea of a bunch of cocaine washing up on the shores of Ebeye is still a pretty rare occurence. Click here for the link.

The Pixies Rock

Ok, so Busty and I bought tickets to go see the Pixies way back in late April, and while the show isn't until my birthday, Sept. 24, I'm hella excited. Well anyways, my beautiful boyfriend sent me a link about them that made me like them even more. Fuck the record companies.

tisdag, augusti 10, 2004


Can you believe it? I was doing the USA Today crossword online (a new obsession of mine) and there it was. 41 across. Kwajalein is one. Can you believe it?