The first in twenty years
So two research groups independently discovered a new primate, the highland mangabey aka Lophocebus kipunji. Residing within the thick rain forest of Tanzania's Udzungwa mountains, this unusually colored, long-haired primate is not thought to have more than 500 living individuals. Having obtained a degree in anthropology, this type of news story always piques my interest. While reading the article that accompanied the picture posted below, there was one line that stuck out at me: "some farmers told us how they trapped and killed the different-looking monkeys that raided their crops." Interestingly, these two research groups were headed by Englishmen. Hmmm.... So, two English scientists go to Africa and "discover" a primate that farmers and, assumedly, other local peoples have been in contact with for years. Sounds like how Europeans "discovered" the Americas. It seems a tad bit ethnocentric to me.

They are pretty damn cute though. I wonder how much it would cost of the black market to get one for a pet. (or a cool ashtray)
i'm still waiting for my black market lemur.
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