onsdag, november 30, 2005

Morning Glory

I've always felt a little cowardly for never having the balls to try and get high off of morning glories.

Which is scarier?

The white supremacist version of the Olsen twins.

or these girls being trained to use AK-47s?

I can't decide. I think both are pretty frightening scenarios. Sad thing is both of them are true. I'm not making stuff up like the photo of that monkey I said was an ugly, ugly child.

fredag, november 25, 2005

Ground Pigeons

Tuesday during lunch I was bored. I had lots of time and nothing in particular to do. Car was in the shop, and my guy was in Oakland. So, I went to campus (UCB) and took a bunch of photos. They all sucked cause the lighting sucked, but the squirrels were out in force. Now I don't have a high opinion of squirrels. I basically think they resemble pigeons except dirtier. But I do have some friends who disagree with me, and they do bring back odd memories of my college days. Squirrels are ubiquitous on the Berkeley campus and are often times more than a little aggressive when they get hungry. So, I thought might find this video amusing. I thought it would be more amusing if there was a target on the squirrels forehead but oh well.

tisdag, november 22, 2005

One ugly baby

Now, I don't know what drugs the parents of this newborn were taking, but something tells me that they probably shouldn't have. In fact, they probably should have given the drugs to me. I'm not about to have any children, so I wouldn't have to worry about any deformities.

söndag, november 20, 2005

Re Emerging

This guy just doesn't want to stop growing.

fredag, november 18, 2005

Is there a better way

Now, when I first saw this picture I said to myself, "Man, that is pretty impressive." I mean growing up my friends and I would try to fit as many people as we could on one bike and then attempt to ride down an old WWII bunker which over the years had been slowly reduced to a large hill. Usually it would result with us all flying head under feet into a large ditch.

But then it hit me.

The sign above these balancing acrobats reads "military police." You'd think the Indian military has better things to train these men in. What use is there for having these eleven men balance on a motorcycle? Anyone have any suggestions?

Pet Peeve of the Day

I absolutely hate it when people think that Catholics are somehow separate and distinct from Christians. Christians are those people who profess a belief in Jesus as Christ or follows a religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus. Since Catholics do indeed profess a belief in Jesus as Christ, they are in fact Christians.

Why do I bring this up? Well, because there are some completely moronic people at my work who tried to argue that if you are Catholic then you aren't Christian. No matter how I tried to explain it, they wouldn't accept the truth. And to top it all off, they are all frelling Catholics and should know better. But no, they just kept on arguing that they weren't Christian and becoming more and more irate.

What completely moronic oafs.

torsdag, november 17, 2005

Words to live by

Grant me the serenity to accept the thing I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I cannot accept,
and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill today,
because they got on my nerves.

Also help me to be careful of the toes I step on today,
as they may be connected to the feet I may have to kiss tomorrow.

Help me to always work at 100%

12% on Monday
23% on Tuesday
40% on Wednesday
20% on Thursday
5% on Friday

And help me to remember...

When I'm having a bad day and it seems
that people are trying to wind me up, that
It takes 42 muscles to frown, 28 muscles to smile,
and only 4 to extend my arm and smack you in the mouth.

måndag, november 14, 2005

My latest work

This took me quite a while to complete. I've been spending most of time on it in fact. Anyways time well spent? Posted by Picasa

lördag, november 12, 2005

Where I almost fell in.

We made it to our goal.

At first I thought we were really lost.

I like cows

I've been at a loss of words lately

 Posted by Picasa

onsdag, november 09, 2005

What a great day!

 Posted by Picasa

söndag, november 06, 2005

Another wet and foggy day in SF

and boy did I enjoy it. Me and my partner in crime and in life ventured into the city with our trusty companion Ms. Tasty Tongure. Yes yes, amazing we managed to leave just before one. we headed on over towards, umm, well, the part of city pictured here. or here is where we parked at least. glad was i to be wearing my warm jacket, mmm, warm jacket. i was hoping to buy a shirt or two, but there wasn't aything for me. sad. very sad. I did have a delicious meal in the city. mmm. which reminds me that i am awfully hungry at the moment. but what do i want to eat? - - - - - I don't know. hmm. food. mmm. mmm. mmm. mmm. mmm. mmm. mmm. Posted by Picasa