Canada consistently provides me with humorous delights. The newest creation from our northern cousins to enter my realm of awareness is Neilson's fresh homo milk. Now, as a gay man the first thoughts to cross my mind were a little disturbing. My partner's coworkers brought it back on a business trip up there and thought it he would find it quite amusing. (which of course he did)

Homo milk is not a new thing in Canada, we've had that label on our milk for years.
The fact is, it's short for homogonized and takes up a whole lot less space. For those who even stop to think it's a slag against gays, well, they're wasting their time. It's not a big deal. Not funny, not nothing really. It's milk man, just milk.
I am not retarded, I know exactly for what it stands. Nor, did I think it was a "slag" against gays. Considering the fact that people actually brought it back from Canada because they found it amusing goes agianst the idea that it is not funny. And while in hindsight, I phrased it weirdly, I meant by newest as in the newest thing to have entered my realm of thought, not that it was Canada's newest creation. And it is not just milk, it is homogEnized milk.
I want some hermaphrodite juice!
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