lördag, december 31, 2005

My eleven favorite albums during 2005

Now these aren't necessarily albums released in 2005, instead I've decided to list the albums that I enjoyed the most from the past year. Why did I choose to do this? I'm not particularly sure and don't have the energy to contemplate why either. Doesn't matter. Here they are.

11. Pixies -Doolittle
10. Fiona Apple - Extraordinary Machine
9. Madonna - Confessions on a Dancefloor
8. The White Stripes - Get Behind me Satan
7. Gorrilaz - Demon Dayz
6. Ladytron - Light and Magic
5. Le Tigre - Feminist Sweepstakes
4. Beck - Guero
3. The Dandy Warhols - Come Down
2. Sleater-Kinney - The Woods
1. M.I.A. - Arular

onsdag, december 28, 2005

Top Nine Drug Related News Stories from The DrugSpot

So, if you've never heard of the DrugSpot, then sadly you are living a sheltered and inconsequential life. Do youself a favor and check it out regularly here. I've compiled my nine favorite articles below in descending order (I absolutely hate those lists that start with number one and work there way down, yes I'm talking about you SPIN). I've only listed the titles which should give you a pretty good idea of what they are about. Click on the link to go to the article's home at the DrugSpot.

9. Tropical islanders getting hooked on washed-up cocaine This one has special significance for me because I grew up on an island not more than ten miles from where the cocaine washed up.

8. Owl discovered in Christmas tree found with marijuana in system
7. Van Bought From Sheriff's Auction Contains Pot Stash Wow, I want to find 100 lbs. of marijuana in my car, hmmm, maybe I should go take a look.
6. Cannabis for canines: happier pups?
5. Using chili peppers to burn drug abusers Youch!!
4. Stone the cows? Russia uses pot as animal feed
3. Family Receives Marijuana in the Mail Would you believe? And you don't even have to buy a car.
2. Marijuana monkeys Do you see a recurrent theme here with animals and drugs? I think perhaps I am too amused with intoxicated mammals.

And finally number one. I think this one was obvious. What one drug news story dominated the headlines for close to six months? Why of course, our very own Cocaine Kate, as told by The Mirror.

1. The Day Drugs Wiped Me Out Posted by Picasa

End of 2005

So the end of the year is fast approaching, and i've been thinking ablout the past year. The good stuff and some horrible shit too. I've been messing around with some end of the year lists (cause they're oh so enlightening and a good reason to look back at some the best and worst this year had to offer). I know the anticipation is getting the better of you, so you'll just have to wait. Posted by Picasa

onsdag, december 21, 2005

Home Today

So, last night we went to see the new musical Lestat in San Francisco. We got back relatively late for a Tuesday night, and I figured hell why go to work today. So I didn't. My office is being remodeled anyways, and I don't have access to all of my files so it wasn't much of a loss anyways. Lestat was pretty decent for a preview showing. The stage, costumes, lighting, and the imagery were all rather fascinating. I really dug the short films that played everytime someone was biten as well. The performances were great with the notable exception of Armand. Man, that guy sucked and not in any good way. Posted by Picasa

måndag, december 19, 2005


So, after weeks of trying to get a couple of decent pictures of campus (UC Berkeley to be specific), I was finally able to take on or two. I had some free time at work last week (well by free time I mean that I got annoyed and frustrated at work and decided to go for a long walk. So I decided to stroll along Strawberry Creek which runs through the heart of the campus and snap some pictures while I was at it. I got a little carried away and probably stayed away from work too long, but I think it was worth it. It helped that no one from my work noticed that I had been missing. Posted by Picasa

onsdag, december 14, 2005

Death Penalty = America's Shame

So, I've been an outspoken opponent of the death penalty for as long as I've known what it meant. With it being in the news so much recently (with both Tookie and the 1000th execution since they reinstated this gruesome punishment), I thought I would post another's words instead of my own to express my frustration, aggravation, and disillusionment. So here is the article by Bruce Shapiro from The Nation.

Hypocrisy Trumps Clemency

There is undeniable hypocrisy in California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who built his fame by feeding adolescent fantasies of killing, denying clemency to a former Crips leader who counseled teenagers against gang violence.

The lethal injection California officials administered to Stanley "Tookie" Williams on December 13 has sparked a notably reinvigorated debate over the death penalty, driven as well by the execution of Vietnam combat veteran Kenneth Boyd in North Carolina on December 2, the 1,000th state killing since the Supreme Court reinstated capital punishment in 1976.

Like Karla Faye Tucker of Texas, whose plea for clemency in 1998 was famously mocked by then-Governor George W. Bush, Tookie Williams forced public debate over the notion of personal redemption. In denying clemency Schwarzenegger insisted that Williams's many years of antigang mediation and writing could not signify redemption in the absence of admission of guilt--and Tookie Williams always insisted he was innocent of the four killings for which he was convicted.

One inevitably wonders if Schwarzenegger would really have ruled the other way if Williams had uttered a last-minute confession. The recent history of death row cases reveals that guilt--even with confession--is a profoundly error-prone finding, and thus a poor guide to mercy. Clemency, in any event, is not in law contingent upon either innocence or admission of guilt; in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, governors routinely set aside death sentences at a far higher rate than they do today.

In the past decade, exoneration of more than 120 innocent death row inmates has generated a widening unease with capital punishment. The executions of Williams and Boyd--a celebrated African-American and reformed gang leader in California and a little-known, white Vietnam veteran in North Carolina who insisted, with substantial reason, that combat trauma contributed to his violent record--together move the debate to a new question: whether the finality of execution is ever a just measure of the twists and turns of an offender's life, or whether it is time to abandon a penalty that has outlived any purpose except blood vengeance.

onsdag, december 07, 2005


So, I while back I was planning on going to Yosemite. For a number of reasons it just didn't work out, I think most notably because we are all flaky to some extraordinary degree. One of the main reasons I had wanted to go was to see some kick ass foliage as it changes with the seasons. I've never really had the chance to see that you see, at least not that I can remember. See, most of my summers growing up I didn't have seasons or not what others might called seasons. We had a wet season and a windy season with no big difference in temperature or humidity. Nor did we have the type of trees that would change with the seasons. After coming back to the US we moved to New Mexico (desert) and the to the central coast of California (mostly chaparral). Now I live in the bay area and still haven't got the chance. Know I know Yosemite won't be as gorgeous as say upstate New York or some other place in New England, but it would be better than the trees we have outside my work, where I happened to take this picture. One day I will have my wish fulfilled until then I'll just have to get really high and imagine.

måndag, december 05, 2005


I felt like an icecube at work today. Not unlike the person in this photo must feel. I actually went outside to get warm, and this was at 9am. When it was still in the mid forties in Berkeley. Why exactly does the AC go on when it is cold outside? I wish I knew.

söndag, december 04, 2005

A San Francisco Saturday

So Saturday I spent the day with my man Torsdag through Onstag and Tasty Tongue driving all over beautiful and cold San Francisco. I brought my camera along with me and snapped a whole bunch of pictures. The favorite of which I've posted here. I haven't a clue where I took most of them. Except the detail of Frans Bourbus the Younger's Portrait of a Lady and Sir Joshua Reynolds portrait of Anne, Viscountess Townshend, both of which we saw at the Legion of Honor over in Lincoln Park.

and I thought squirrels were bad.

So, while I wasn't attacked by one, this frellin huge albino possm scared the shit out of me and my guy Torsdag through Onsdag. See, I knew I had seen one several ears ago in the huge plant mass behind my apartment building. Most nights it sounds like there is one in there somewhere, but no one else had ever seen it. Last night though I had another eyewitness, so stop calling me crazy. Squirrels are like Shirley Temple compared to one of these nasty icky creatures. Shiver.

lördag, december 03, 2005

and more

So my squirrel-hating obsession isn't over yet, and I'm not the only one with a gripe with those bushy tail imps from the Rodentia order. There's a long history of hostility towards squirrels, as you might have guessed. As I was using the internet to discover more, I came across these delightful photos from the Korn family genealogy.

I just love pictures of dead squirrels, and there is something about these photos specifically that I like with or without the squirrels carcasses.

torsdag, december 01, 2005

How best to treat a squirrel.

Russian squirrel pack 'kills dog'

So, a couple of posts ago was some video footage of one of UCB's squirrels. I mentioned how they can be a little on the aggressive side. If you didn't believe me and thought squirrels are just cuter versions of a rat, well here's some anecdotal evidence of a violent streak in these little furry nut biters. I take the eyewitnesses at their word, but that's me.

Black squirrel (archive)
Local people suggest hunger is driving squirrels to extremes
Squirrels have bitten to death a stray dog which was barking at them in a Russian park, local media report.

Passers-by were reportedly too late to stop the attack by the black squirrels in a village in the far east, which reportedly lasted about a minute.

They are said to have scampered off at the sight of humans, some carrying pieces of flesh.

A pine cone shortage may have led the squirrels to seek other food sources, although scientists are skeptical.

The attack was reported in parkland in the centre of Lazo, a village in the Maritime Territory, and was witnessed by three local people.

A "big" stray dog was nosing about the trees and barking at squirrels hiding in branches overhead when a number of them suddenly descended and attacked, reports say.

"They literally gutted the dog," local journalist Anastasia Trubitsina told Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.

"When they saw the men, they scattered in different directions, taking pieces of their kill away with them."

Mikhail Tiyunov, a scientist in the region, said it was the first he had ever heard of such an attack.

While squirrels without sources of protein might attack birds' nests, he said, the idea of them chewing at a dog to death was "absurd".

"If it really happened, things must be pretty bad in our forests," he added.

Komosmolskaya Pravda notes that in a previous incident this autumn chipmunks terrorised cats in a part of the territory.

A Lazo man who called himself only Mikhalich said there had been "no pine cones at all" in the local forests this year.

"The little beasts are agitated because they have nothing to eat," he said.