onsdag, juni 30, 2004

More Bush bashing

Bush couldn't find his head if his mother was trying to help fish it out of his ass!

And another work day ends...

Man, I can't wait until my current job is no more. I can wait, however, to find a job once this occurs. Although, if I don't find one soon, I will be probably spare-changing on the street corner in Berkeley. How sad.


This Friday, the San Francisco Kidrobot store is having an art opening that I'm excited about going to. The artist is Ferris Plock, and you can see some of his stuff here.

Crackman and Robbin'

I tried blogging this yesterday at work, but apparently something went drastically wrong. (well maybe not drastically...) Wendy-O was talking about our fellow co-"workers" describing them as Batman and Robin on crack, or the Cracknamic Duo. Which caused me to bust out laughing for quite a few minutes.

It's eternally hard

from the D- to the I- to the L- to the DO

what can i say?
they can't stay away from the best cock
on the block todaaaaay

tisdag, juni 29, 2004


Ok, so what do people think the US Supreme Court is going to decide on the medical marijuana case in front of them? I'm really unsure, but kind of think they'll cop out of addressing the larger issues at stake. Anyone know how long it will take for them to reach a conclusion?

And still...

I haven't seen Fahrenheit 911.

Speaking of presidents, former president Clinton appears at Cody's today to promote his book. I wonder if Busty will get up in time to go see him. I mean it will probably be too crowded to get any sort of glimpse of the sex-driven political figure. Does anybody know if Hillary will be there? Thats' who I'd want to see, who cares about a man who can't keep his cock contained? I sure don't. I want to see the woman who will (hopefully) become the first female president.

måndag, juni 28, 2004

I'm counting the days

These are my test results from the death test that i took.

Mark your calendar or Palm V. You can expect to die on:

Friday, December 3rd 2032

At the tender age of 53 years old.
On that date, you will most likely die from:

Cancer (14%)
Alcoholism (10%)
Contagious Disease (10%)
"Cleaning your Rifle" (7%)
Other fascinating statistics:

19,161,060 people have taken The Death Test.
Of those, 56% were female and 44% were male.
The average life expectancy of test takers is 66 years.
70% of test takers have hairy nipples.
9% have had team sex.
4% work in the adult entertainment industry.
And 5261 people claim to have leprosy.

Man, he had nothing to apologize for

Judge Regrets Comparing Bush to Hitler

Friday, June 25, 2004 7:45 a.m. ET

By Gail Appleson

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals judge on Thursday apologized for comparing the way President Bush took office after the disputed 2000 election to the rise of dictators such as Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

Guido Calabresi, a judge on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, sent a letter to his chief judge expressing "my profound regret" for the comments made at a legal conference in Washington on Saturday.

Calabresi's remarks at an American Constitution Society Conference were reported by the New York Sun on Monday.

"(Bush) came to power as a result of the illegitimate acts of a legitimate institution that had the right to put somebody in power. That is what the Supreme Court did in Bush versus Gore. It put somebody in power," the judge said.

"The reason I emphasize that is because that is exactly what happened when Mussolini was put in by the king of Italy," Calabresi was quoted as saying. "The king of Italy had the right to put Mussolini in, though he had not won an election, and make him prime minister. That is what happened when Hindenburg put Hitler in."

Calabresi told the lawyers that he was not suggesting "for a moment that Bush is Hitler. I want to be clear on that, but it is a situation which is extremely unusual."

On Thursday, Calabresi apologized.

"My remarks were extemporaneous and, in hindsight, reasonably could be -- and indeed have been -- understood to do something which I did not intend, that is, take a partisan position," Calabresi, who was appointed by former President Bill Clinton, said in a letter given to reporters.

Calabresi's letter was addressed to John Walker Jr., chief judge of the circuit and a cousin to former President George H.W. Bush.

Reporters were also given a memo Walker sent to other circuit judges informing them of the apology and urging them to be careful about comments that could be construed as political during an election year.

In his letter, Calabresi said he believed judges should not publicly support political candidates and he had intended his comments as academic argument.

Calabresi said he was "truly sorry" and that he was apologizing "profusely" for the episode.

You go Amsterdam! =)

And the Award for the Most Potent Pot Goes To...

Monday, June 28, 2004 9:49 a.m. ET

LISBON (Reuters) - Cannabis in the Netherlands is almost twice as strong as in the rest of the European Union, where the drug's potency has remained stable, the EU drugs agency said on Friday.

Politicians' worries over the health risks of stronger cannabis prompted the Lisbon-based European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction to examine marijuana and hashish available in the bloc.

"Today's report shows that effective potency of cannabis in nearly all EU countries has remained quite stable for many years," the center said.

The potency of cannabis in most EU countries has remained at about six to eight percent tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main active ingredient.

The only exception was in the Netherlands, where potency had reached 16 percent by 2001-02, mostly because of supplies of intensively produced home-grown cannabis.

However, this did not affect the EU average since most cannabis consumed there was produced outside the bloc.

Am I a little sick if I kind of want to see this?

Sex-Laced Mozart Raises Scandal
Monday, June 28, 2004 9:56 a.m. ET

By James Mackenzie

BERLIN (Reuters) - An opera featuring rape, torture and masturbation, a nude bass singing an aria in the shower and a cross-dressing hero who rounds off the night by slaughtering a troupe of semi-naked prostitutes has caused a scandal in Berlin.

Mozart's "Die Entfuehrung aus dem Serail" (The Abduction from the Seraglio), one of the 18th century Austrian composer's most popular operas, is usually played as a sparkling comedy of relationships set in the grounds of a mythical Turkish palace.

The new production in Berlin's Komische Oper moves the action to a modern-day brothel where a brutal pimp keeps the women in his power through systematic rape and torture.

The opera's Catalan director, Calixto Bieito, who has seen previous productions greeted with leaflets proclaiming "Death to Bieito!" wanted to use the opera to cast a light on the plight of women exploited in the sex trade.

But the production has sparked outraged articles in the press and an initial threat from DaimlerChrysler, one of the main sponsors, to withdraw funding. Performances have been interrupted at various points by shouts from the floor as patrons have walked out in disgust.

"How filthy can theater be?" asked Germany's top selling daily newspaper Bild.

In between bouts of simulated sex with the prostitutes who lounge about the set, one of the characters urinates on stage and slashes a helpless woman as another looks on in terror.

The heroine Konstanza cowers in a cage as the villainous Selim Pasha sticks his hand down her pants and makes a series of repulsive threats in spoken asides inserted into the text.

Meanwhile her beloved Belmonte arms himself with a handgun and, helped by his tattooed manservant, slides into high boots and a tight dress to infiltrate the brothel.

On opening night, a voice from the audience answered the explosion of gunfire as Belmonte slays first the prostitutes and then their keepers with the cry "Now for the director!"

But supporters point out that behind Mozart's dazzling score, the text of the opera is a very dark one laced with threats of beheading and impalement and the production makes a powerful point about violence, oppression and sex.

Performances have been well attended since the run opened last week and warmly applauded by those who did not walk out, with several people bringing along opera glasses to follow the action more closely

Up until I read this article, I had thought that Canadians were just getting a bad rap

Now I guess they really are just a bit slower than Americans, which is saying quite a lot.

Voters Urged Not to Eat Their Ballots

Monday, June 28, 2004 12:03 p.m. ET

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (Reuters) - Canadians went to the polls in a federal election on Monday with a firm warning from election officials: Please do not eat your ballots.

"Eating a ballot, not returning it or otherwise destroying or defacing it constitutes a serious breach of the Canada Elections Act," Elections Canada warns on its Internet site.

The issue was of sufficient concern to warrant inclusion in the site's "Frequency asked Questions" section, above answers to such inquiries as "Why should I vote?" and "Am I registered?"

Three Alberta men were charged with eating their paper ballots during Canada's last federal election, in 2000. The members of the Edible Ballot Society were protesting against what they said was a lack of real choice among candidates.

I'm not that lazy I suppose

Here are my test results from the laziness test that I took on Sparknotes. At least I'm not over 50% lazy. And what exactly does this mean? Does the left half of my body just not want to do anything while my right rounds around all day wanting to do shit?

I guess the real question is, "Who really gives a shit anyways?"

Congratulations! You finished the test!

You can't be that lazy, can you? Taking that into account, you are officially...

50% Lazy!
That's higher than the worldwide average of 38%!
Compared to others...

88% less lazy than you — 2% as lazy as you — 10% blah blah blah...
Of the 2,557,370 test takers so far...

The average test-taker gets 8 hours of sleep a night
watches 4 hours of TV and plays 2 hours of videogames a day
and takes showers 7 times a week.
Trust fund kids are LESS likely to own a beer hat.
Vegetarians are MORE likely to think about the future.

Work Sucks!

I hate coming to work and finding out that most of my coworkers are the laziest people I have ever had the displeasure to work with. Lazy fucking people make me mad!

söndag, juni 27, 2004

Damn it

I still haven't seen Fahrenheit 911...

Its great to know that the leaders of the western world have nothing better to do...


Drops F-bomb Twelve Times During U.K. Visit

Vice President Dick Cheney scandalized the United Kingdom today, cussing out Queen Elizabeth II in what observers said was his most profanity-laden tirade to date.

Mr. Cheney was at Buckingham Palace to witness the knighting of legendary British journalist Harold Evans when the Queen made what one source called “a snarky remark” about the vice president’s relationship with the Halliburton Company.

At that point, observers said, Mr. Cheney “launched the f-bomb” at the Queen no fewer than a dozen times, shocking the dignitaries attending Sir Harold’s investiture.

“Mind your own [bleeping] business, you [bleeping] old [bleep],” Mr. Cheney was quoted as saying.

“Cheney has the mouth of a sailor, which is odd for someone who did everything he could to stay out of the Navy,” one observer said.

But according to Charles, the Prince of Wales, after Mr. Cheney’s f-bomb barrage was over the Queen stood her ground and returned fire with a potty-mouthed attack of her own.

“When it comes to cussing, my mother’s language can peel paint,” Prince Charles proudly told reporters. “After all, she learnt at the feet of the master – the Queen Mother. That old bag could drop the f-bomb with the best of them, may she rest in peace.”

The filthy war of words between the Queen and the vice president was carried live on worldwide television, meaning that both dignitaries could now face FCC fines topping well over $1 billion.

Mr. Cheney took the fines in stride, telling reporters that they would be paid for with revenue from Iraqi oil.

I think this test might be woefully incompetent

INTP - "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 3.3% of total population.
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You know, its a little refreshing to do these pesonality tests.

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There are sooo many reasons why this is funny

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Kayaboy was
a Well'Known Queen
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Sunday morning

Its Sunday morning, and I'm probably gonna sleep soon. My boy is already there so I think I should probably join him. Had a nice relaxing day lounging about the apartment half-naked. It was really nice to have a weekend where we were able to that. Oh, life without a roommate, how wonderfully fantastic.

Tomorrow is pride, which we may or may not go to. Either way, I hope we are able to score some smokable delights. Anyhow off to bed, goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow.

fredag, juni 25, 2004

Fahrenheit 911

Moore's docu-film opens today, and I sure wish I had bought tickets earlier. I will probably see it with my boy sometime this week however. Worked sucked today. The supposed "day leader", whatever the fuck that means, once again did next to nothing today. Oh, except make lots of personal calls instead of actual work.

Last night was really sweet though, I went to see Hairspray with Busty and my boy. It was a really good show and a good time was had by all, although I kind of wished I had done some cocaine with Busty. That would of made the night that much better. I guess the weed was more than adequate for the evening.

Yes, I realize its Friday night and I'm at home writing another blog posting, but I am spending time with my boy and there's nothing more I could of asked for. He actually just walked in the room and is scratching my back... oooh chills.... kisses?

fredag, juni 18, 2004

I am a child of the nineties.

The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz

First of all...

He's stupid. He has more trouble speaking than I do. Just look at his choice for his number two. Who kind of reminds me of Churchill, maybe his evil clone?

To all you fuckers not reading this...

Bush fucking sucks.

That is the new theme to mine blog. (As if it somehow contained a theme before.)

söndag, juni 13, 2004

Yippie hippie!

Today we go to the Muir Woods, I haven't been in a couple of years, and I am really looking forward to going. Just me and my boyfriend, no other distractions. I wish we had some marijuana though, not the little bit that we were saving, which we in fact smoked last night before bed. Man, I wish I could find my extra film, I know I have it around here somewhere.... GRRRRRR.... guess there's no point in worrying now. My baby is abouts to get out of the shower then I believe we're off for our fun adventure! I hope he doesn't mind too much, I really appreciate him going. I'm glad just to get out of the house really, and with my boy! Anyhow gots to run have fun out there everyone or noone. Toodles.

söndag, juni 06, 2004

Crazy Fuckers in Colorado...

Man I wouldn't live there.

Forced undulations

Now I ponder what exactly a fucking blog is?


well, i suppose i know what one is, but what will mine be.

Here's a good topic:

How fucked up is the San Francisco Zoo?

It's location.

It's enclosures.

And the craziest fucking going-ons of any major metropolitan zoo.

Details to come...