More Bush bashing
Bush couldn't find his head if his mother was trying to help fish it out of his ass!
My crazy ramblings about how much things suck with a hint of moronity and a slender dab of absurdment. Simple enough, isn't it?
Bush couldn't find his head if his mother was trying to help fish it out of his ass!
Man, I can't wait until my current job is no more. I can wait, however, to find a job once this occurs. Although, if I don't find one soon, I will be probably spare-changing on the street corner in Berkeley. How sad.
This Friday, the San Francisco Kidrobot store is having an art opening that I'm excited about going to. The artist is Ferris Plock, and you can see some of his stuff here.
I tried blogging this yesterday at work, but apparently something went drastically wrong. (well maybe not drastically...) Wendy-O was talking about our fellow co-"workers" describing them as Batman and Robin on crack, or the Cracknamic Duo. Which caused me to bust out laughing for quite a few minutes.
from the D- to the I- to the L- to the DO
Ok, so what do people think the US Supreme Court is going to decide on the medical marijuana case in front of them? I'm really unsure, but kind of think they'll cop out of addressing the larger issues at stake. Anyone know how long it will take for them to reach a conclusion?
I haven't seen Fahrenheit 911.
These are my test results from the death test that i took.
Judge Regrets Comparing Bush to Hitler
And the Award for the Most Potent Pot Goes To...
Sex-Laced Mozart Raises Scandal
Now I guess they really are just a bit slower than Americans, which is saying quite a lot.
Here are my test results from the laziness test that I took on Sparknotes. At least I'm not over 50% lazy. And what exactly does this mean? Does the left half of my body just not want to do anything while my right rounds around all day wanting to do shit?
I hate coming to work and finding out that most of my coworkers are the laziest people I have ever had the displeasure to work with. Lazy fucking people make me mad!
INTP - "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 3.3% of total population. |
Its Sunday morning, and I'm probably gonna sleep soon. My boy is already there so I think I should probably join him. Had a nice relaxing day lounging about the apartment half-naked. It was really nice to have a weekend where we were able to that. Oh, life without a roommate, how wonderfully fantastic.
Moore's docu-film opens today, and I sure wish I had bought tickets earlier. I will probably see it with my boy sometime this week however. Worked sucked today. The supposed "day leader", whatever the fuck that means, once again did next to nothing today. Oh, except make lots of personal calls instead of actual work.
He's stupid. He has more trouble speaking than I do. Just look at his choice for his number two. Who kind of reminds me of Churchill, maybe his evil clone?
Bush fucking sucks.
Today we go to the Muir Woods, I haven't been in a couple of years, and I am really looking forward to going. Just me and my boyfriend, no other distractions. I wish we had some marijuana though, not the little bit that we were saving, which we in fact smoked last night before bed. Man, I wish I could find my extra film, I know I have it around here somewhere.... GRRRRRR.... guess there's no point in worrying now. My baby is abouts to get out of the shower then I believe we're off for our fun adventure! I hope he doesn't mind too much, I really appreciate him going. I'm glad just to get out of the house really, and with my boy! Anyhow gots to run have fun out there everyone or noone. Toodles.
Now I ponder what exactly a fucking blog is?