fredag, mars 11, 2005

Random Thoughts

Today I have several random thoughts to espouse. First, where the hell is this mysterious California quarter? I thought it was going to be released several weeks ago. Maybe I was wrong, but I don't think so. I'm not entirely sure why I even care. And isn't there a new nickel as well? That has something to do with a buffalo, possibly?

Anyways, enough about change. Now unto 420. Now most everyone I know has certain thoughts when it comes to 420. Mary Jane. However, in the book I'm currently reading, Salmon Rushdie's Midnight's Children, he talks about 420 but not in reference to reefer. Here is what he has to say:

Inevitably, a number of these children failed to survive. Malnutrition, disease and the misfortunes of everyday life had accounted for no less than four hundred and twenty of them by the time I became conscious of their existence; although it is possible to hypothesize that these deaths, too, had their purpose, since 420 has been, since time immemorial, the number associated with fraud, deception and trickery.

Is it really? Fraud, deception and trickery are associated with my ritualistic 420? I've never even heard anything remotely suggesting this. Am I in some secluded stoner world where I never hear other more sinister aspects of 420?

And finally, I'm pissed off at NBC and CBS for refusing to air a "controversial" ad for UCC, United Church of Christ. When has inclusiveness ever been controversial? Sad, very sad. Grrrr.....

Oh, and I want to get those nifty eye-implants. Star shaped of course. Then, finally, I will be hip and trendy, oh boy!!!


At 7:05 em, Blogger kim said...

i have a california quarter.

At 1:54 fm, Blogger Pannyxeos said...


At 9:12 em, Blogger Pannyxeos said...

Merci my friend, you know, just the other day I received this email from a friend. I nthis emil were a bunch of bert and ernie fisting pics. It made me think of you.


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