tisdag, mars 01, 2005

How to make a Republican tell the Truth

First of, I didn't come up with this. I found it on the web (where else?), but it made me laugh a bit and thought others would find it just as amusing.

All you have to do in order to make Republican domestic policies make sense is take their talking point and add the words "...if you're rich!"
For instance: "Privatizing social security makes a lot of sense...if you're rich!"
Or, "Our health care system is the best in the world...if you're rich!"
Or how about, "The economy under Bush is the strongest it's ever been...if you're rich!"
Just add three little words, and all of a sudden, these bastards are telling the truth.

Sigh, too bad it is actually true.


At 8:59 em, Blogger Busty Wilde said...

Wow, what a great little trick! Weird how well that works, eh? When I first read the title of this post, I thought it was the beginning of a bad joke, but then when I read what you wrote, I realized you were serious...


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