I can be quite tough in my self-judgements when I choose
So, I was talking to some friends about the recurring incidents of American soldiers killing journalists in Iraq, and after searching all over the internet for some article about it, I found it here. I find it pretty disturbing just how hard it was to find this type of info in the US news media. Not surprising, mind you, just disturbing.
Kitten Kountdown: T- 31 hours Two cats does not a cat person make, and masturbation definitely does not lead to kitten deaths. Crackhead deaths, maybe; kitten deaths, absolutely not.
I'm really wanting to go to San Francisco's Legion of Honor this week to see the Bouquets to Art 2005 exhibit, but I just realized today that it only runs from today through Friday. No weekend date? Come on, not everyone can go on a weekday. God! However, the Fashion/Anti-fashion exhibit looks interesting as well, and that starts a week from yesterday. Maybe I'll just have to convince some blokes to go sometime later this month. Man, I totally wanted to see the bouquets (speaking of which, my partner surprised me with a gorgeous bouquet of roses last night, sigh, they are beautiful).
One last note, flying ants suck big nuts.
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