torsdag, mars 31, 2005

Dante's Inferno Limbo Pictures

If you search for that in yahoo, my blog pops up as the 100th listing. Hmm.... weird. I'm not too sure why, but I think it is cool. Apparently, someone actually went through the first 99 listings and then decided that maybe my blog fit their search parameters. I think they must have been sorely disappointed.

I know..

I know this may sound like it is just reopening old wounds, but while cruising through the democratic underworld, I found this interesting article about the discrepancy between exit poll data and the official results from our last election. I really think that something went horribly wrong with our most recent election. (not to mention the one before that) I was most upset to hear that the difference between the two results was greater than the recent Ukraine elections. Where if you don't remember, they had a revote with the other guy winning. (Hey anyone know how he is doing, I thought I remember hearing that the poison used in an attempt to kill him had long-lasting effects) Anyhow, why is it such a bad idea to make absolutely sure that nothing shady went down with our presidential elections. Seriously. Grrrowlll....

tisdag, mars 29, 2005


I've been having a lot of fun with blogshares over the past couple of days. During which I stumbled across this pretty sweet blog. It has lots of great pics of marijuana. Very sweet. I applaud the workmanship.

I wouldn't forget

Here's a short article about cocaine. Apparently, some family's used car having $40,000 worth of cocaine stashed in the gas tank. My thoughts, "who the fuck leaves 40 grand worth of cocaine anywhere?" I guess the must have needed to run off some where pretty quickly.

On another note blogger has been pissing me of all day. fuck blogger.

Democratic Underground

I've been going to this website for quite some time now, and I thought I would share it with the rest of you. It seems they often times have news stories that aren't mentioned in the mainstream press, which is nice. Obviously they've got a leftish tilt, quite a big one at that too, and they have a humorous streak running trough the site. You should at least check out the top 10 conservative idiots (updated regularly). There are just so many of them, grrrrr....

söndag, mars 27, 2005

Here piggy piggy.

Don't be scared. Just click the pig. Thanks to my big sis for this link.

For all you Napolean Dynamite fans

It is funny how just his voice makes me want to pee my pants. See this link for some chill laughs.

The wonders of Photoshop

This was my favorite taken from this website. Check it out to see the original pic and some more photoshop fun. I wonder if this girl even knows her picture is being used to my sinister delight. I'm thinking about making my own photoshoped pics. The possibilities.Posted by Hello


So, today I was in my bathroom, and I started to have a tiny acid flashback. What I mean is that the tiled floor started to do some pretty interesting melting. Man, I wish I could describe it better. It was pretty sweet, and it got me to thinking about my lsd days. Sigh. See, I used to do quite a bit of acid. I think in fact that the most I ever did was like 15 hits. (Keep in mind I was also on several hits of ecstasy, smoked quite a bit of weed, and had been sucking down nitrous all night) Man that was one crazy night. Anywho, after the tiny flashback, I went online seeing what interesting things I could find on lsd (and other hallucinogens as well). That is where I rediscovered Erowind. It was there that I discovered this acid blotter. I though, wow, imagine all the condoms dancing, I know they would have been if I was on acid. I was especially amused by the angel condom.Posted by Hello

Man, that is big.

I swear, there is nothing phallic about these pics. No, really. There isn't. Posted by Hello


Posted by Hello

torsdag, mars 24, 2005

What link?

I was reading a disturbing article about a murder trial in Australia. It seems that Australia's highest court found the man not guilty by reason of mental illness. Ok, that seems kosher, but get this. In the ruling they said that the man's mental illness was brought about by long term cannabis abuse. One of the justices had this to say, "This seems to be yet another example of the link between cannabis use and mental illness, a link which from my judicial experience and reading I regard as well-established." I would hope that instead of relying on judicial experience, they would rely upon well-established and scientific evidence, but I suppose this judges personal experiences outweighs medical science. According to the medical evidence that exists on marijuana, I don't believe any of it finds a link between cannabis use and violent behavior. If anyone out there disagrees, I would love to have the citations.

tisdag, mars 22, 2005

Guess What?

So, I suppose kind of obviously, I went Joaquin Miller Park on Sinday, oops I mean Sunday. Now this isn't part of the east bay regional park system. No. It is actually an Oakland City Park. It is pretty sweet and has a pretty nice second growth redwood grove, ahhh the redwoods. We ended up taking Cinderella trail and argued about the name. Pepper thought that it was named Cinderella trail because it was a struggle to get to the top. I thought it was because they were both bitches. Who knows, maybe it is both. While we were heading up the trail, there were several guys on bikes heading down, and Salt almost got knocked off. (slight exaggeration there, but hey it is more exciting) About the time we started heading back down the hill (by this time we were on the Sequoia Bayview Trail (which surprisingly has some pretty excellent views of Oakland, San Francisco, the golden gate, etc.), we discovered a little kid's tricycle. Which I now regret not riding down the path. That would have rocked.

On another note, tomorrow I see Slimlove! How Smashing!

Joaquin Miller Park

Joaquin Miller Park Posted by Hello

Joaquin Miller Park

Joaquin Miller Park Posted by Hello

måndag, mars 21, 2005

I love being a plant with legs.

Zhaan: You are Zhaan, the Blue Bitch (but in a good
way). Constant frustration with the small
brains around you forces you to practice the
vegetable form of Tai-Chi. IN...OUT...master of
calm. Once a rather fiesty thing, you became a
priestess and can now heal anything with the
most irratating sort of pacificity. Oh and uh,
mind the light...

Who the FRELL are you? A Farscape Personality Quiz.
brought to you by

Terri Shiavo

I wasn't going to talk about Terri Shiavo, out of respect for her and her family. Still, after all the press this case has been getting, I still wasn't going to comment. Then, I went to foxnews online, and I became a little pissed off. First they claim to give a time line, but they conveniently forget to post info on the seven years that this case has been in the Florida court system. Somehow that doesn't seem to balanced. Then they have this photo slideshow. All the pictures are of Terri herself, Terri with her parents, or people who believe that she should be kept alive artificially. Now that just doesn't seem fair. Once again Fox News is neither fair or balanced, and they are just preaching to the American people. It is sad how totally fucked up Fox News is.

First-grader hands out crack cocaine, thinking it was candy

This is another sad story. One wonders how someone could raise their child in such a harmful environment. Just the fact that they openly deal with crack cocaine around their child is disgusting. I mean if you feel you must deal in such harmful drugs, keep it away from not just your own child, but children in general. Grr... They are giving conscientious drug takers bad names. See, while I don't think drugs should be illegal, I do believe that they need to be regulated. In a situation like this I advocate either sterilization or death. The world is already overpopulated with people, so lets get rid of the really stupid idiots who can't take proper care of a child.

söndag, mars 20, 2005

The New Showtime

So, I was watching "The 'L' Word" on Showtime tonight. A show that has quickly become a show that we weekly have friends over to watch. So, the show ends with a pretty hot lesbian sex scene. Standard really. So, we are waiting for next week scenes, and immediately following that is the ad for the upcoming release of, the musical adaptation of the 1936 cult classic "Reefer Madness." Yes, seriously, starring the delightfully queer Alan Cummings. Link here. Now I'm thinking wow, Showtime is going all controversial.

Then comes an ad for the next season for "Queer as Folk." The biggest gay show on tv. With the wonderfully explicit man on man sex scenes. (And it is great to see Sharon Gless, she rocks even if the imdb photo sucks) Now I'm thinking, "man, the religious right must really dislike Showtime. So what's next you may ask, no not another "Fat Actress" spot. No, it is an ad for the upcoming comedy series "Weeds" starring Mary Louise Parker. In it MLP plays a single mother who makes ends meet by selling marijuana in suburban Los Angeles. Then there was the requisite commercial for "Fat Actress."

So what does all this sinful behavior get us, besides a whole lot of great tv? I'm not sure but I love it. Gluttony, sodomy, drugs..... Mmmm tasty. To top it all off, we picked an episode of "Penn and Teller: Bullshit" the episode about sex, touching up on such topics as aphrodisiacs, penis enlargers, and shots of "The Puppetry of the Penis. " Which got our friends to leave pretty damn quickly at that point. Cocks should never be used in the ways those two men did, shudder. And the folks in the audience. Did you really pay money to se men play with themselves? I remember when it cam through the bay area, it sold out and they added more shows. People come on now. Give me fifty bucks and I'll tie my penis in bow. (seriously i could use the money) (not)

I didn't know we had our own subbacultcha, score!

You are a Folkie. Good for you.

What kind of Sixties Person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Crossword Clues

So, I'm a little obsessed with crosswords these days. I have about four sites that I regularly go to on top of the Daily Cal crossword. So, today in the Newsday crossword puzzle, they had the clue "singer Tori" and "singer Difranco." Two of my most absolute favorite musicians. It amused me almost as much when Kwajalein was a crossword clue. Hmm... Maybe I am a little too amused when it comes to crossword puzzles. Maybe not.

lördag, mars 19, 2005

I feel sexy

You are Lili St. Cyr!
You're Lili St. Cyr!

What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

What is happening to this country?

Lately I have often times been disgusted with the news I am hearing from all over the US. Why is it exactly that the religious right is becoming so overwhelmingly powerful? And for that matter why is the Republican party (and some times the Dems too) fawning all over them. I find it deeply appalling. Like this article I read today. So, now evolution is so controversial it can't even be discussed or something. I agree that evolution hasn't been scientifically proven beyond any doubts, but can anything be proven absolutely? Of course not. But do any of these fervent religious fanatics even know what the definition of theory is? A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena. See I personally believe that evolution has so much more evidence in its favor then say I don't know Christianity, Islam, or Judaism. I mean the scientific evidence for evolution far outweighs the scanty scientific evidence for the existence of God. Which reminds me of the time I traveled by train from NYC to Oakland, and there was this 30ish married couple, who seemed really intelligent and had a couple of kids. Then when somebody mentioned evolution randomly, they got extremely offended and started to say how there was no evidence for evolution. Now I got my undergraduate degree in religious studies and anthropology, so I think that more than others I can compare the scientific evidence for the two theories of existence. Obviously one makes more sense than the other. Grrr......

fredag, mars 18, 2005

I wish I had this little guys talents. That's hella tasty. = ) Posted by Hello

I can't believe im so boring... = (

The Mark Twain
The Mark Twain: A leisurely paddle steamboat
navigating the Rivers of America in the 19th
Century! A venerable Disneyland institution,
you date to opening day in 1955 and respresent
stablity, tradition, and a healthy dose of
Americana. You never make your passengers
seasick (in part due to the fact that you role
along your secret underwater track) and always
offer some great panoramic views of a Frontier
mining town, New Orleans, and back woods
glimpses of wildlife and injuns straight out of
a Samuel Clemens tale! Small children and old
folks like you best, but that doesn't mean you
don't know how to get out and enjoy the
nightlife, you play "Steamboat
Willie" in the nightly production of the
Fantasmic! Spectacular. Just one question,
just how is that you are always managing to be
headed "down river"?

What Disneyland attraction are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


You are Trisha.

Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Who knew?

I’m the epitome of over the top breathtakingly extravagant faggot chic. I dance like a big queer demon, although I am more concerned about being seen than actually enjoying myself. I probably wear feathers. Jesus Christ.

I'm a Fabulous Faggot!

torsdag, mars 17, 2005

HA! Posted by Hello

Regulations About Mildew

If any clothing is contaminated with mildew - any woolen or linen clothing, any woven or knitted material or linen or wool, any leather or anything made of leather - and if the contamination in the clothing, or leather, or woven or knitted material, or any leather article, is greenish or reddish, it is a spreading mildew and must be shown to the priest. The priest is to examine the mildew and isolate the affected article for seven days. On the seventh day he is to examine it, and if the mildew has spread in the clothing, or the woven or knitted material, or the leather, whatever its use, it is a destructive mildew; the article is unclean. He must burn up the clothing, or the woven or knitted material of wool or linen, or any leather article that has contamination in it, because the mildew is destructive; the article must be burned up.

Anyone want to fathom a guess at where I found this interesting quote?

onsdag, mars 16, 2005

Get off the Internet

So, my baby was sick today, and I had to drive myself to work. As I related before, the last time I drove to work I received a ticket for not stopping at a stop sign. Oops! Today, as I was running late, I was pulled over for going 41 in a 30 mph zone. Just my luck. I've decided not to drive to work ever again. (I'll just take bart or bus, if my baby is sick) Well, the officer didn't actually give me a speeding ticket, what a nice guy, but he did give me a ticket for not having proof of insurance. (yay, it is just a fix-it ticket, even though he did make me late to work, grrrr)

Now, when I finally got on to the highway I glance over at this suv, and I had to make a double take. Yes, I was right there playing on the suv's video screen? Hardcore anal action (the yucky straight kind, shiver). It surprised me so much I almost hit the car in front of me. Ok, so no, this didn't actually happen. I was just reading an article on about how some lawmakers wanted to make it illegal to watch x-rated movies in your car when others can see it. So, it made me think. Who watches porn while driving? And who would let their passengers watch porn as they drive? I know I have trouble driving with just one hand, and who wants their passengers to have their cocks out?

tisdag, mars 15, 2005

For those about to rock we salute you

And for those who constantly fuck up at work go to hell

Google News

I love google news. You can now personalize google news. I have it to include marijuana as a topic(like US News or Entertainment News). So now I have a marijuana news section, and in this section today an interesting article (well letter to the editor) popped up. "Bible endorses marijuana legalization" Since it is such a short letter I thought I would just post the entire thing here:

I was pleased to read people are working toward credible drug law reform (New Drug Chapter Hopes To Take Off, Feb, 23, 2005). That would include re-legalizing cannabis, which isn't even a drug but a plant. The Government would like citizens to think cannabis is a chemical weapon of mass destruction, in reality it is one of those seed bearing plants that God created and said is good on literally the very first page of the Bible.It is Biblically correct to stop caging humans for using cannabis (kaneh bosm before the King James Version); the only Biblical restriction placed on cannabis is that We use it with thanksgiving -see 1 Timothy 4:1-5, where it even describes who will promote its prohibition as those who have fallen away from the faith.

I was also a little bit amused that the person sending in the letter is Stan White. (there are those who will know why). Now, I just wish I still carried a Bible with me everywhere I go so that I could figure out what 1Timothy 4:1-5 says. (which again amuses me, and again there are those who will know why)

= )

Highway Stories

So, on my way to work I was almost in a car accident, and not just this morning, but yesterday morning as well. Yesterday, I was taking the exit for the 24 from the 580, and the car ahead of the car in front of me shot over from the left lane to the middle lane as if he wanted to go to SF (like all those other stupid bastards who don't realize until the last second that they are about to go towards Walnut Creek), but all of a sudden he shoots to the left this time. This of course causes the car in front of us to slam on their breaks, which in turn caused us to swerve around the car in front of us. Then as we are passing the original swerving car, their from right wheel flies off and continues rolling down the highway right next to our car. It was pretty crazy.
Today's almost accident wasn't nearly as amusing. It happened in almost the same place, which makes sense because that is the small part of the highway that we actually get onto to drive to work. It was caused by stupid people who can't merge. (Really people is it all that hard?!?)

On to other topics. I watched Fat Actress last night, and it was much better than the first episode. However, about two thirds of the way through, there was this voice over telling us that if we missed any of the show it would be on again later. Now this show is on HBO or Showtime, so their are now commercials. The voice over just popped out of nowhere during the actual show drowning out the characters. I was a little confused to tell the truth.

Oh, and the pictures. They are just some of the places of gone hiking recently. I think that my favorite was the most recent one, Huckleberry Natural Preserve. It was absolutely gorgeous. There were a lot of plants in bloom. (I especially like that pink hanging flower of the currant, splendid) The manzanita barron at the top of the hill was the perfect place to light up a nice fat bowl. (No shagbark, though) Anywho, I wonder where we will go next week? I'm thinking Redwoods. Suggestions?

söndag, mars 13, 2005


Temescal Posted by Hello


Temescal Posted by Hello

Mt. Diablo

Here I am at Mt. Diablo Posted by Hello

Mt. Diablo

Here I am climbing down a steep path at Mt. Diablo. Posted by Hello

Robert Sibley Vocanic Regional Preserve

Robert Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve Posted by Hello

Huckleberry Natural Preserve

Huckleberry Natural Preserve Posted by Hello

lördag, mars 12, 2005

The Macarena...

So, I went bowling last night, scored myself a 112, and it was like a time warp. High schoolers and jr. high schoolers running around being obnoxious, severely overweight African Americans, and really old music (i.e. early 90s). So after waiting about 45 minutes for our lane, we were starting our game when the Macerena comes on. So what do the people in charge of the music do? Turn it off, turn it down? No. They blast it. Turning up the sound more than twice it's original level. Scary. The music was pretty amusing for the rest of the night (Technotronic's Pump Up the Jam, the Grease Megamix, etc.). All in all, it was pretty swell.

Close every door to me.

My kind of vending machine. Posted by Hello

The Other Side Posted by Hello

Just trying things out here Posted by Hello

fredag, mars 11, 2005

Progresso Soup on the Go!

I was taking this online survey today (which I actually do pretty often come to think of it) , and it was for this new progresso soup in a self heating can. No really, you press a button on the bottom of the can and six to eight minutes later it is ready to eat. No microwave needed.

Now we don't have to have a stove in a fallout shelter, what a way to save space for the oh so valuable progress soup on the go. Hooray!!! To be honest I didn't think we could last more than a year or so, but now we can fit an additional couple of months of food. T- 2456 hours...

I wonder if there is going to be an expiration date now for the soup and the can.

Random Thoughts

Today I have several random thoughts to espouse. First, where the hell is this mysterious California quarter? I thought it was going to be released several weeks ago. Maybe I was wrong, but I don't think so. I'm not entirely sure why I even care. And isn't there a new nickel as well? That has something to do with a buffalo, possibly?

Anyways, enough about change. Now unto 420. Now most everyone I know has certain thoughts when it comes to 420. Mary Jane. However, in the book I'm currently reading, Salmon Rushdie's Midnight's Children, he talks about 420 but not in reference to reefer. Here is what he has to say:

Inevitably, a number of these children failed to survive. Malnutrition, disease and the misfortunes of everyday life had accounted for no less than four hundred and twenty of them by the time I became conscious of their existence; although it is possible to hypothesize that these deaths, too, had their purpose, since 420 has been, since time immemorial, the number associated with fraud, deception and trickery.

Is it really? Fraud, deception and trickery are associated with my ritualistic 420? I've never even heard anything remotely suggesting this. Am I in some secluded stoner world where I never hear other more sinister aspects of 420?

And finally, I'm pissed off at NBC and CBS for refusing to air a "controversial" ad for UCC, United Church of Christ. When has inclusiveness ever been controversial? Sad, very sad. Grrrr.....

Oh, and I want to get those nifty eye-implants. Star shaped of course. Then, finally, I will be hip and trendy, oh boy!!!

onsdag, mars 09, 2005


I received this email today that utterly confused me. Anyone want to take a guess at what the fuck it is saying?

a dogberry, dendrite assignation
Gschroeder wilhelm in inefficient so buttery
are drain. any the us rapt
no cove at and Apuncture concerto
the to a be was afoul
crucifix so autumnal on are panic
Gangelica cepheus out the buxtehude
groat for fold any drawn


tisdag, mars 08, 2005

I can be quite tough in my self-judgements when I choose

So, I was talking to some friends about the recurring incidents of American soldiers killing journalists in Iraq, and after searching all over the internet for some article about it, I found it here. I find it pretty disturbing just how hard it was to find this type of info in the US news media. Not surprising, mind you, just disturbing.

Kitten Kountdown: T- 31 hours Two cats does not a cat person make, and masturbation definitely does not lead to kitten deaths. Crackhead deaths, maybe; kitten deaths, absolutely not.

I'm really wanting to go to San Francisco's Legion of Honor this week to see the Bouquets to Art 2005 exhibit, but I just realized today that it only runs from today through Friday. No weekend date? Come on, not everyone can go on a weekday. God! However, the Fashion/Anti-fashion exhibit looks interesting as well, and that starts a week from yesterday. Maybe I'll just have to convince some blokes to go sometime later this month. Man, I totally wanted to see the bouquets (speaking of which, my partner surprised me with a gorgeous bouquet of roses last night, sigh, they are beautiful).

One last note, flying ants suck big nuts.

onsdag, mars 02, 2005


Aquarius - You have an inventive mind and are inclined to be progressive. You lie a great deal. You make the same mistakes repeatedly because you are stupid. Everyone thins you are a fucking jerk.

Pisces - You are a pioneer type and think most people are dickheads. You are quick to reprimand, impatient, and full of advice. You do nothing but piss-off everyone you come in contact with. You are a prick.

Aries - You have a wild imagination and often think you are being followed by the FBI or CIA. You have minor influence on your friends, and people resent you for flaunting your power. You lack confidence and are a general dipshit.

Taurus - You are practical and persistent. You have a dogged determination and work like hell. Most people think you are stubborn and bullheaded. You are nothing but a goddamned communist.

Gemini - You are a quick and intelligent thinker. People like you because you are bisexual. You are inclined to expect too much for too little. This means you are a cheap bastard. Geminis are notorious for thriving on incest.

Cancer - You are sympathetic and understanding of other people's problems, which makes you a sucker. You are always putting things off. That is why you will always be on welfare and won't be worth a shit. Everyone in prison is a Cancer.

Leo - You consider yourself a born leader. Others think you are an idiot. Most Leos are bullies. You are vain and cannot tolerate criticism. Your arrogance is disgusting. Leo people are thieving motherfuckers and enjoy masturbation more than sex.

Virgo - You are the logical type and hate disorder. Your shit-picking attitude is sickening to your friends and co-workers. You are cold and unemotional and often fall asleep while fucking. Virgos make good bus drivers and pimps.

Libra - You are the artistic type and have a difficult time dealing with reality. Chances for employment and monetary gain are nil. Most Libra women are whores. All Libras die of venereal disease.

Scorpio - You are the worst of the lot. You are shrewd in business and cannot be trusted. You shall achieve the pinnacle of success because of your total lack of ethics. You are the perfect son-of-a-bitch. Most Scorpios are murdered.

Sagitarius - You are optimistic and enthusiastic. You have a reckless tendency to rely on your luck since you have no talent. You are a worthless piece of shit.

Capricorn - You are conservative and afraid of taking risks. You are basically chickenshit. There has never been a Capricorn of any importance.

This horoscope had my entire office at work laughing their asses off and scaring the clients. Interesting how only female Libras are whores. Does this make the men studs or something? Being a Libra, I sure do hope so! Damn venereal disease is making my ass sore.

tisdag, mars 01, 2005

How to make a Republican tell the Truth

First of, I didn't come up with this. I found it on the web (where else?), but it made me laugh a bit and thought others would find it just as amusing.

All you have to do in order to make Republican domestic policies make sense is take their talking point and add the words "...if you're rich!"
For instance: "Privatizing social security makes a lot of sense...if you're rich!"
Or, "Our health care system is the best in the world...if you're rich!"
Or how about, "The economy under Bush is the strongest it's ever been...if you're rich!"
Just add three little words, and all of a sudden, these bastards are telling the truth.

Sigh, too bad it is actually true.